I love being a headshot photographer! I get to see and study lots of faces every week. A great headshot is so much more than just clicking a button. It’s studying everything about a person’s face and making sure that I show them in their best way.
The story in this video is powerful. It’s important enough that I wanted to share it with you.
We tend to focus on the things we don’t like about our appearance. And somewhere in that thought process, we subconsciously think that’s what other people see in us. But as this video shows, that’s not necessarily true.
Because of what I do, clients confide in me their concerns about their appearance – that “thing” they don’t like about their appearance or their face. And while I listen and address those concerns in their headshots, I also see all of the beauty and strength they do have.
And that’s what I create and why I love what I do. It’s not changing people into something they’re not. It’s just helping to make sure that they see in their headshots and in themselves all the beauty, the strength and character I see in every person’s face.